Ulysses isn’t a book I can say I’ve managed to finish and like many, I’ll probably never get beyond the first dozen pages. It was this realisation that led me to the Abbey Theatre last year to see Dermot Bolger’s brilliant adaptation.
"I’d always liked the quote ‘Good puzzle would be to cross Dublin without passing a pub' but hearing it from Leopold Bloom himself made it resonate so much more. It was during the play I first decided to bring this quote to life.
"As an artist, much of the planning on a project is done before I even pick up a pencil. This may well have involved multiple visit to these famous literary pubs of Dublin for research and inspiration purposes.
"I don’t believe Bloom ever had the intention of actually attempting this puzzle, however, it’s certainly worth contemplating while propping up the bar in any of these fine establishments.

rough sketch

finished artwork

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