'Becoming a Successful Illustrator' book jacket
*Shortlisted for the AOI Illustration Awards 2013
*Merit award 3x3 pro-show no.10
By Derek Brazell and Jo Davies (available 28 June 2013)
This was a really great project to work on. The deadline was tight but I was given a fair amount of creative freedom, however there were a few technical restrictions; the position of the logos, the white vertical band and the size of the title box. I built my illustration around these fixed elements. My first thought was to make the title box into a portfolio case. Once I'd added a handle, the hand, arm and figure fell into place quite nicely. I like the fact we don't see the head. Around the AVA logo I drew a box which transformed into the top of a hi-rise building which allowed me to create a whole row of buildings and break into the vertical while band. The wording in the background is taken from the chapter headings.
One issue the editor brought up at the pencil stage, was to be sure the busy background didn't distract too much from the title. I did this by creating the background in grey scale then colour overlaying the brown-orange-yellow to knock back the background action and a contrasting bluey green box for the title. All the text (apart from the logos) is hand drawn (no fonts:)

'The most successful illustrators combine creative talent with marketing and promotion − assets that don’t always come hand−in−hand. With case studies and interviews from practising illustrators, Becoming a Successful Illustrator provides guidance on bringing these skill sets together, enabling readers to succeed in the professional world of illustration.'
Derek Brazell is Project Manager at the Association of Illustrators. Jo Davies is Associate Professor in Illustration at Plymouth University, UK.
Available for pre-order
AVA Publishing is part of The Bloomsbury Group
UPDATED Book now re-branded Fairchild Books and Bloomsbury
ISBN-13: 978-2940411931

title block - detail

cover artwork incorporating their 'Creative Careers' and 'AVA' logos



Background was created using coloured overlays on top of a greyscale image.

My pencil sketch. The AVA Logo and Creative Careers logo (with it's white vertical band) have a fixed position. The title box is also a standard size.

re-branded cover now Fairchild Books and Bloomsbury