32 page children's picture book about a boy (a bear plays the boy) hunting a fearsome dragon (the fearsome dragon plays himself).
Written by Patricia Forde - Publisher: Futa Fata
32 page children's picture book about a boy (a bear plays the boy) hunting a fearsome dragon (the fearsome dragon plays himself).
Written by Patricia Forde - Publisher: Futa Fata
Shortlisted for the Children's Book Ireland 'Book of the Year Awards 2013'

Cover with hand drawn title type

Initial roughs
My first idea was to have the main character as a chick. (The bear worked much better. However, I really liked the chick so managed to use him as the prince character that appears in the middle of the book)

I would be a cowboy when I grow up but I prefer dragons to cows.

Sometimes I have scary nightmares about a robot with flowers coming out of his head

Last page with lots of references to the characters and backgrounds on the previous pages.

Review - Innis38