'the queen's gates'
Royal gate designs for the Queen's PLATINUM Jubilee
Antrim Castle & Gardens Northern Ireland
Gate Design by Steve Simpson
I'm thinking I should update my CV with 'Royal Gate Designer' after this one :))))
A very different project for me
I've had the joy of working with celebrity gardener, Diarmuid Gavan on numerous wonderful projects over the past 10 years - this one however tops the lot. Only 4 weeks ago we sat down for a coffee and he told me about this incredible Willy-Wonkaesque garden he's designed for the Queens Platinum Jubilee in Antrim, Northern Ireland. He then explained that the finishing touch needed was a royal gate - and could I design one? Well there's a first time for everything...


Initial rough sketch

A more detail, refined and worked out sketch
Barry McCann at BMC Engineering has been making wrought iron gates for the past 30 years. From being handed the final design to the grand opening was less than a month. So impressed!!!

installing the gates

Cutting the Ribbon

The Mayor, myself, Diarmuid and Barry the master gate maker

Some of the gate detail

Diarmuid's magical clockwork garden

Thanks for checking out this project - all appreciations and comments are truly appreciated:))
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