The Board Game for Foodies
The Board Game for Foodies
SMORGASBOARD is a board game for foodies, friends, and family alike. Players take on the guise of aspiring chefs as they work their way around the board in search of gastronomic success. The object of the game is to be the first team of chefs to graduate from Rick’s Culinary Academy! The loser...does the dishes!
1. Type Logo
2. Chef Character
3. Game Board
4. Game Markers - used to move around the board
5. Cards - Questions and forfeits
6. Box - Packaging
7. barcode - illustrated
This was a fairly large project, 8 main elements needed designing and illustrating. I started with the logo and chef character to get the colour palette and styling, then moved onto the board itself. Once the board was cracked the rest starting falling into place. This was a fantastic project to work on and I'm really looking forward to seeing the game printed and boxed in the coming months. Will update this to let you know when & where it's available.
1. Type Logo
2. Chef Character
3. Game Board
4. Game Markers - used to move around the board
5. Cards - Questions and forfeits
6. Box - Packaging
7. barcode - illustrated
8. Base of Box (underside) - game info
A special thanks to all those who left comments on the Work-in progress stream.
update: SMORASBOARD is now available to buy on line
update: SMORASBOARD is now available to buy on line

1. Logo

2. Chef Character - 'Rick'

3. The Game Board


4. Game Markers - used to move around the board

5. Four Game Cards - Questions and forfeits

6. Box - Packaging (digital mock-up)

6. Box - Packaging (artwork)

7. Barcode - illustrated sushi mat:)

8. Base of Box - underside info

Initial pencil sketches