Space Dogs
Book illustration for a short story by Roddy Doyle
Dezik and Tysgan were the first dogs to make a sub-orbital flight on the 22nd of July 1951.
Book blurb:
A short story taken from the Fighting Words charity collection, BEYOND THE STARS, written and illustrated by two of the most outstanding talents in children's fiction today Told from the perspective of the Russian dog Tsygan, this is the story of the first living creatures to be sent into space - the 'star dogs' of the title. Roddy Doyle's typically accessible voice is complemented by the illuminating illustrations of Steve Simpson, together immersing a new generation of young readers in the incredible true story of the Soviet space dogs, one of the twentieth century's true feats of science.

pencil sketch
Research is a hugely important part of the process for me. In January of this year I was given the brief for this short story by Roddy Doyle, part of the Beyond the Stars collection of short stories. A week later I was in Moscow teaching workshops. The timing of the trip was purely coincidental but a research trip to the Museum of Cosmonautics was an oppourtunity not to be missed.


Poster available to buy on Society6 - all proceeds going to "Fighting Words" charity